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Research & Interdisciplinary Support

The COMM ePortfolio Team is excited to help you learn more about the benefits of adding an ePortfolio to your class. 
The COMM ePortfolio Team regularly partners with Old Dominion University's Academic Success Center during their eP 3 Faculty Development Workshops  and in 2024, eP 4: 
COMM Master Class (10th anniversary of COMM eP). Topics covered include the creation and development of showcase ePortfolios, assessment methodology, and designing assignments for ePortfolio inclusion.  
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Research & Awards

Lietzenmayer, Mize, Nicholas, & Jackson. (2024, April). ePortfolios’ Impact on Retention, Persistence, and Graduation in on Online Communication Program. Presentation accepted for the Online Learning Consortium- INNOVATE conference. Denver, CO.


Nicholas, Lietzenmayer, Mize, & Jackson. (2024, April). Leveraging GenAI to Enhance ePortfolio Pedagogy, Support, and Practice. Presentation accepted for the Online Learning Consortium- INNOVATE conference. Denver, CO.


Lietzenmayer, A., Mize, M., Tyson, L., & Davis, K. (2021, December). Hear Me Out: A Multimodal Strategy for Providing ePortfolio Feedback. AAEEBL ePortfolio Review (5), 1.


Mize, M., Lietzenmayer, A., Tyson, L., & Davis, K. (2021, December).  If you look here: Increasing social presence in eportfolios through multimodal feedback. AAEEBL ePortfolio Review (5), 1.


Mize, M., Jackson, D., Lietzenmayer, A. (2019, July). We were Doing Assessment Before it was Cool: Making ePortfolio Faculty Development HIP. A presentation given at the annual meeting of the Association for Authentic, Experiential, and Evidence-Based Learning. New York, NY.


Lietzenmayer, A., Beck, G., Jackson, D., & Harrell, C. ( 2019, April).  COMM ePortfolio at Old Dominion University.  "Effective Practice Award," received at the 2019 Online Learning Consortium Accelerate in Denver, Colorado. 


Nicholas, K., and Lietzenmayer, A. (2019, April). Digital Blazing: Guiding Students in High Impact Practices for Retention. A presentation to be given at the annual meeting of the Online Learning Consortium. Denver, CO.


Lietzenmayer, A., Beck, G., and French, M. (2019, February). Integrating the COMM ePortfolio into the Basic Course (and Beyond). A presentation to be given at the annual meeting of the Western States Communication Association. Seattle, WA.


Mize, M., Lietzenmayer, A., and Stafford, L. (2018, November.) Oh, now I get it: ePortfolio assessment as an on-going high impact professional development practice.  A presentation given at the Virginia Assessment Group Conference. Charlottesville, VA. 


Lietzenmayer, A. & Beck, G. (2017, July). Developing professional identities through ePortfolios: Reports from early implementation across a communication department. A presentation given at the annual conference of The Association for Authentic, Experiential, and Evidence-Based Learning.  Portland, OR.


Beck, G., and Lietzenmayer, A. (2017, March). Fostering hope through a communication ePortfolio: Online professional identity development towards transitions from higher education.  A paper presented at the annual meeting of the Central States Communication Association.  Minneapolis, MN.

All content prepared within this site is available from the Communication ePortfolio Team. Department of Communication & Theatre Arts, Old Dominion University 
Please do not reproduce or distribute without permission. Please e-mail for support on your ePorfolio. 
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